Throughout our website, we have links [so-called affiliate links] to other products and services, where we will earn a commission for purchases you make via these links.

We only link to products and services where both the product/service itself, as well as the people behind those products/services are in alignment with our vision and mission. 

As with any purchase you make anywhere, ask yourself what is the motivation to buy something? Do you really need it? What for? Why now? Is it a compensation for something you can’t or don’t want to feel?

It is remarkable who ‘little’ we ‘need’ once we start being more in tune with ourselves.

To be on the safe side please assume that all links leading you to products/services outside our website are affiliate links [although that is by far not the case].

Why do we add those links?

We only add links to outside products/services if we in our heart of hearts believe that these products/services are profoundly and directly related to what you are reading about and that those might help you become the most beautiful and powerful version of yourself.

As you see, we do not have any in the face advertising that you usually see on many pages. We want to deliver you a relaxed, beautiful environment where you can focus on what you read and the art that goes along with it.

Although we have our own products that you can purchase [e.g., our online event, our documentary, music, etc.][and with your purchase help us continue our mission], our financial situation is challenging.

As a teensy indie media production company, we are grateful for the chance to offer a win-win-win situation through these affiliate links. You might discover additional products/services that help you grow, the people who provide those earn a living and can continue their work, and we get a little piece of their pie [earn a commission] that helps us grow and do what we love to do.

We made all efforts to ensure that affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the FTC.

Please, let us know if you have any questions or concerns or if there are links that you feel do not lead to relevant, related, and valuable products or services!

Thank you for your understanding & keep on reading & exploring!

Benedikt, Michelle & The Heart Revolution Team


We think it is good that there are regulations that require website owners to disclose those links.

And we think it would be great if the same transparency would be required in other, way more $ moving industries like the political, medical and scientific industry.

Imagine all politicians would have to wear stickers on their jackets that disclose what lobbies they took money from, just as it is done in the Formula 1 industry. The size of the sticker would reflect the amount of money that the politicians took from the lobbyists. That way, everyone could easily calculate how much money they took 🙂

The same goes for leaders, authorities, and experts in the medical and scientific and any other industry.

Wouldn’t that be helpful and informative 😕