BeautyFull Life Courses
In our BeautyFull Life courses, we focus on topics, teachings, approaches, and information you won’t find anywhere else. They help you heal, awaken, and empower your flowering heart, mind, and body.
Learning to paint, cook, play an instrument, dance, or any other skill comes from practice.
Our courses are focused on practice and experience. You won’t have to spend hours overloading your mind. You can start practising right away. This is how we learn, grow and change – we practice.
Partner Courses
Courses of organizations that we feel a strong mission alignment.
These courses can help you experience topics we explore in our magazine, documentary and summit. Some courses are from experts who are also featured in our film and summit.
Explore the power and beauty of your heart, mind, and body. Learn to heal emotional wounds and nurture yourself so that you can share your wonderful gifts with the world and be the beautiful and powerful You, you came here to be.
Your Heart Intelligence
Rollin McCraty, PhD
Learn what it takes to achieve “heart coherence,” where the heart, brain, and nervous system are aligned and in sync — giving you inner peace, a renewed sense of energy, clearheadedness, and a strong immune system.

Near Death Rebirth
Anita Moorjani
After literally dying and coming back, Anita Moorjani, author of the bestseller, Dying to Be Me, viewed the world completely differently. Liberate yourself from all that you’ve been indoctrinated to believe during this lifetime. Release your true nature so that you can really see how powerful and magnificent you are.

The Emotion Code
Dr. Bradley Nelson
Discover an easy, yet powerful, proven approach to energy healing that quickly releases trapped emotions to resolve underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances for a healthier, happier life.

Power of the Placebo
Dr. Shamini Jain
Discover what placebo research is teaching us about the power of intention, relationship, and ritual to expand your consciousness and manifest the life you desire. Explore the vital role of connecting with your biofield for a deeper healing experience.

Human by Design
Gregg Braden
Join visionary Gregg Braden to awaken your deep intuition, precognition, and advanced states of self-healing. Discover the surprising science that reimagines the very origins of humanity… revealing how you’re more than you’ve ever imagined!

Life Visioning
Michael Bernard Beckwith
In our 40s, 50s, and beyond, we are better prepared to express our highest purpose… The Law of Attraction, affirmations, vision boards, and your go-to forms of prayer and meditation may no longer yield the “answers” you’re seeking. These tools may no longer be suited to guide you to your next level of wholeness and beauty …

Energy Codes Approach
Dr. Sue Morter
You could learn to release “the story” that keeps you stuck and imprisoned in limitations and past versions of yourself. Use your energy to transmute difficult feelings, like fear, anger, frustration, or grief, into waves of grace and creativity — supporting you in creating a new, harmonious and wonderful life.

Aging Into Awakening
Ram Dass
Receive liberating insights that open you to a journey of aging that is spiritually fulfilling, joy-filled, and infused with love. Discover how to laugh more, fear less, and accept everything as a blessing through the profound teachings of one of America’s most revered spiritual teachers.

QiGong for Better Health
Daisy Lee
For thousands of years, practitioners of Zang Fu Gong have reported a variety of noticeable health benefits, including stronger immunity, less downtime during illnesses, more emotional stability, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, improved circulation, more energy, greater intuition, and so much more…

Healing Your Electric Body
Eileen McKusick
Medical research shows that increased stress, sedentary lifestyles, and environmental factors can cause a lifetime of negative effects, degrading bone tissue, and reducing bone mass. The remedy is to tune in to our emotions. Learn how to locate them energetically in your body. Then work with them, and transmute them.

Supercharge Your Chakras
Anodea Judith, PhD
Ready For a Powerful New Approach to Your Chakra Practice That Enables More Body-Mind Integration, Wholeness and Balance of Your Energies? Discover How to Harness Your Life Force to Remove the Blocks to Your Full Potential and Go to the Next Level of Self-expression, Power, Intuition and More.