When I was in nursing school, there really wasn’t any rotation that I liked other than OB and nurse babies. I’ve always been fascinated by the beginning of things. After I found this work [pre and perinatal psychology], I called my business Wondrous Beginnings, because I feel it captivated a huge opportunity as we’re learning more about who we were as babies coming in. A whole other octave of human potential is possible. And I’ve seen this. I’d like to go back to William being in that workshop. After seeing that incredible moment with the baby, he started talking about how he had followed up the first hundred babies that he had worked with. This was totally new work. He had no idea what the outcome was going to be like, except their symptoms went down.
He knew that the families had kind of gotten how conscious they [their babies] are and how to be with them in a whole new way. But besides that, what would that be like? So years later, he followed up on the kids and talked to the parents, sometimes saw the kids, or went to the schools. What are they like? The kids were described as empathic, trusting, cooperative, unaggressive, grounded, and they often would be very individualized and already expressing their gifts and talents. They often were described as having a light in their eye.
He was surprised. And when I listened to that, what it felt like was, he was describing another level of wholeness, of coherence, of being more of ourselves, more of our spiritual self embodied.
That’s what captivated me because when I first saw babies, I saw they come in with so much love, hope, joy, and light. And what happens, what’s possible when we can really support them and meet them there.

The expansion of pre/perinatal psychology as field of study
In 1999, Marty Glenn, who has been in the field of pre and perinatal psychology for many, many years, approached me. She said, “I’m going to create a graduate school.” We don’t have graduate studies. We need to grow this field. We need therapists who are trained in this. And she said, “Would you help me start the school and write the curriculum and come up with what would be prenatal and perinatal psychology, graduate school education for masters and PhDs?”
A year later, we opened and it was an incredible learning experience and I was so excited to grow the field. I was in charge of putting a lot of the curriculum together. I realized that our field had decades of understanding babies from the inside out and decades of mapping this very early territory in what was life-enhancing and what was life diminishing. Through our therapies, we knew a lot about working with hard things to heal. But what we didn’t have in our field was; what does this tell us about normal, early development? What’s human development? When we include what we know about babies, the landscape is totally different. And how we help babies is transformed into a whole new octave of being together and of intimacy and love and caring, and possibility.

Babies show us their deep levels of consciousness and we just need to be aware of it
I decided to get an academic grant for a year, studied everything we had learned in our field, tried to make sense of it, and brought it together. I saw this theme consistently of babies showing us that from the very beginning of life, they had perception and capabilities from two very different vantage points. One that started before we were conceived. It was what we call the transcendent perspective or transcendental-transpersonal perspective. All the stories of babies remembering and people remembering before they were conceived. I ended up writing this down and developing this in my book, _Welcoming Consciousness. _From that transcendent viewpoint, we realize babies are very capable.
Omni-perspectives traverses the Cartesian model of biology
It’s similar to a near-death experience. Many people now know that near-death experiences are where they’re beyond the body. The body might not even be functioning. They have that vantage point from outside the body. They’re tapping into everything in this Omni-perceptive way—everything in the room, people’s thoughts, their feelings, their intentions, and the energy. And that’s what we see in babies. That never got into our traditional educational or traditional understanding of babies because it was outside of what we thought was possible. All our traditional ways of looking at babies and the beginning of life were based on that Cartesian model of biology first and that our consciousness and sense of selves come out of our little bodies and our brains.
What we were finding was that it’s just not true. We were being shown consistently for decades when we held it as possible and interacted from that possibility that we have a level of consciousness prior to conception. We can not only perceive these Omni-perceptions but also have telepathic abilities, mind to mind. What we know about babies is that babies want to connect with us. It was very hard for babies when we turned away and said, “This isn’t possible.” What we know now is, it is possible, and they are saying, “Hello. I’m here. I’m so excited about coming on. I’m going to be your child and you’re going to be my dad. And I just can’t wait!” Now I work almost exclusively with pregnant moms and babies in utero. I help moms, and dads get quiet and learn how to communicate and be telepathic.

Tapping in to connect with baby in utero
One of the things that tickle me most happened recently with a mom in Germany that I was working with. I said, let’s both get quiet and tap in with the baby. I’m going to say what I’m going to say out loud so you can hear. I say, “Hi, I’m Wendy. It’s really nice to meet you. I met your mom. Isn’t she a wonderful person?” And all of a sudden, I feel this, this joy, this light lit up.
I felt the baby just come online with me, and I said, “Wow, I feel your joy.” Then I sensed from the baby, “Tell my mom how much I love her. Tell her I’m so excited.”
So when I tap in with babies, it’s all the things they wanted their parents to really trust. The [parents] just didn’t know it was possible. So like with this baby, I said to the mom, “You know, your baby wants me to tell you how excited they are about having this life with you and how much they love you.” And there, boom, the mother kind of wakes up. So I said, “Can you feel that? Can you feel that joy for your baby coming to you?” And she said, “I can, that’s you, those are your feelings. Oh, I love you too. Oh, I can’t wait for you to come.”
I call it the joining. It’s like when the possibility becomes a reality, and they realize there’s so much more to explore here—so coming back to the transcendent self. Babies have this higher octave. It’s a very holistic way of looking at things. It’s totally intuitive. It’s like primary knowledge. I just know, because I know.
When kids are expressing stuff at any age, like the little boy expressing what happened when he was five months in utero on a stressful weekend, nobody knew that he was feeling all that stress that his mom was going through. And he played out a game, without us saying anything, he acted out five different things that happened over the weekend. He did this from the vantage point of being in the room and seeing it. And the mother said, “You know, I was so stressed that weekend.” And I said, you know, parents haven’t known how babies can feel stress. The mom said, “Oh, I didn’t know. I’m so sorry. That was stressful for you.”
It’s things like that, where the child just has a primary knowing. I [the baby] saw it all. I felt it. I have this unfinished thing I need to address. That’s part of that transcendent self. But some of what I think is the most special about that is babies in that transcendent state—before conception and all the way through, we never lose it.
They express that higher octave of love, that higher octave of heart-knowing and heart-feeling wanting to express heartfelt things. That transcendent self is totally heart-based. Those higher octaves of unconditional love, oneness, connectedness, joy, wishing to share, be mutual. That’s one of the precious things we’ve learned that that part of us is there all the way from before we came in. The more we know and learn ways to support them and embody that more, then that becomes who they are.

Are babies more conscious than adults?
I find that one of the most beautiful and important things on the planet.
So all of early development, all of our early beginnings are all about relationships. We’re learning about being in relationships. We’re taking in our parents’ relationships, work relationships, our relationship with the earth, and our relationship with the divine.
What I’ve found is babies are more conscious in some ways than we are because they’re functioning in two worlds, very consciously flipping back and forth. There is just this dynamic between spirit side and physical side, between their transcendent self and this little human body and self that’s growing. That self-relationship, to me, is of primary importance. We want it to be as coherent and heart-centered as possible. Because, like we know from Heartmath, when we’re going to heart coherence, when we’re in that really good open-heart place, that state of love and appreciation and wellbeing, our whole system becomes more coherent. And I would say it holds more light, has more symmetry, has more wholeness, and has the possibility of bringing in more of that transcendent self.

The sacred birth between life and death
I love Anita Moorjani’s book and her experience that she describes in _Dying to Be Me!_ She describes, in her book, that she was dying. Her body was riddled with cancer, and she had a near death experience where she was with the divine totally in the residence at a very, very high level and had the primary knowing, that intuitive knowing, that gestalt knowing, that transcendent self perspective of I am unconditionally loved. I don’t have to do anything. I’m unconditionally loved. Who I am, I’m enough. I matter. I am love. And in that experience, she came back changed, holding much more of herself and as a transcendental self embodied with a very different perspective on life within, much more natural, full sense of love, joy, pleasure and fun, and being human. And she talks about how she feels home is here inside. She could be there.
She could be here. She could be anywhere, but her home is inside.
For me, her message is so similar to what I hear from babies. Our home is our heart-centered connectedness, our heart-centered knowing of love of oneness, of unity, of the divine heaven, earth, us. And it really is possible to embody that. For me, it all begins this whole new human being possibility. Its potential is greatest at the beginning of life when all is possible, how we meet babies and how we support families. You know, I believe in the future. I would love to see where we’ve really flipped around our society, our communities, or organizations, businesses, families.
Everybody understands that when a life comes in, that it’s a very sacred event. It’s their most sacred time of having that potential to become who they can be and having the most open, flourishing heart that they could have because it’s that flourishing heart that helps us build who we are at all of our other levels: our creativity, our love, our intimacy, our brain capacity. All of our intellect at the higher levels of being our intellect is totally heart intelligence, heart intuitive intellect, where we’re in the flow moment to moment.
What I’d love to see is that everybody understands this early period is the most important. We help parents have the most support and sense of well-being and safety and enjoy whatever that takes, knowing that they’re with their baby in these joyful, heartfelt, positive ways that their baby is learning. And that the world is loving, heartfelt, joyful, fun, playful, delightful for the beginning of life. That’s the future I hold.