Collective Heart Rate Variability Coherence Requires Intention
Over the years, standard interpersonal psycho-behavioral communication assumes that all information transferred between humans gets mediated through the five physical senses—touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste. Each sense sends information to our brain to help us understand, perceive, react and communicate...
Sacred Geometry Symbols 101 and Breathwork Meditation for Beginners
Merkaba or mer-ka-ba, one of the sacred geometry symbols, teaches us that in order to become our highest selves, we must activate...
5 Ways to Empower Your Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance means “clear seeing” and is one of your psychic abilities you already may be using if you’re someone who often...
Clairaudience - Can You Activate and Use it?
Clairaudience is “clear hearing,” or the psychic ability to receive intuitive messages through your thoughts or inner dialogue. This can be one...
The Mysticism of Sound and Music
When we think of music, we often relate it to a combination of instruments and vocals, coming together to create either harmonies...