'The Upanishads'—Rediscovering the Self, an Excerpt
The Upanishads are a collection of texts detailing man’s journey to realizing the Self, and finding union with The Supreme Over Soul, Brahman—who others may also refer to as God. Much like the Bible, the Upanishads are considered sacred amongst...
'The Triadic Heart of Siva' Book Synopsis (Ch.6-7)
The Triadic Heart of Siva, the Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta, discusses the concept of vibrations and how they are related to the...
A Sound Bath Can Have Healing Effects
“We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up...
The Debate on Spirituality vs Religion Begs Discernment and An Open Heart
It is difficult to believe spirituality and religion have been around for thousands of years—and there is no consensus on definitions...
Are You Experiencing Any of These Spiritual Awakening Symptoms?
Let’s consider the words “spiritual” and “awakening,” as a helpful start to exploring the topic of spiritual awakening symptoms. Awakening is...