Proof Of Heaven - Love Is The Currency
| What Neurosurgeon Dr. Alexander learned from his own near death experience | Harness the power of meditation to link mind and body | Why the dogmatic materialistic world view is being replaced by fundamental truths
The Ancient Mayan View Of Our Heart's Mysteries
| Mayan concepts about the role of our hearts | Differences between Mayan and Inca culture regarding the heart | How these cultures influence our current understanding of the heart
Radical Self Healing
| Healing is a choice through self mastery, the law of cause and effect and the power of habit | All healing is self healing in 4 areas | Kindness, self control, and honesty are powerful medicines
The Link Between Your Heart and Your Genes
| Epigenetic principles | The effect of your emotions and beliefes on your genes | How your heart/emotions influence your gene expressions
Live, Laugh & Love Again After Grief & Loss
| Her personal experience of losing her young husband and what she learned | The process of re-entry so you can live again, even when it seems impossible | You can learn to live a good life after grief and loss