What is the sacral chakra?

The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is the second chakra governing sensuality and creativity. It governs the sexual organs and is commonly associated with the water element in fluidity and abundance. The sacral chakra is the seat of birthing life, in all of its forms.

What does a blocked sacral chakra feel like?

A blocked sacral chakra can feel like a lack of creative drive or impulse or low sexual energy. It can also feel like an imbalance in emotional energy which can cause excessive feelings to linger or get stuck.

Can you have an overactive sacral chakra?

Yes. An overactive chakra can feel like the floods of emotions have no end. Some examples of an overactive sacral chakra include heightened sensititivty in mood swings or unfinished creative projects, for example.

How do you balance the sacral chakra with chakra stones?

There are many ways to work with sacral chakra stones for balancing the inner system. A great way to tend to the sacral center is to place stones directly on the sacral chakra. This is a wonderful addition to reiki and meditation. Some of the best sacral chakra stones include Carnelian, Moonstone, and Citrine.

What does it feel like when your sacral chakra is opening?

An open sacral chakra can feel like a rejuvinating spring of energy rushing through all creative endeavors. You’ll see your desires rise and be equipped with the energy to bring these ideas to fruition. It is important to balance the sacral chakra as it opens to encourage harmony rather than an overactive chakra.

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How do you open the sacral chakra with yoga poses

Open the sacral chakra with the following yoga poses:

  1. Goddess Pose
  2. Reverse Warrior Pose
  3. Frog Pose