After seven years of work on our poetic science documentary "The Heart Revolution", we are finally ready to submit our film to festivals around the world.
If you want to stay updated about when and where to watch our film, you can sign up for our newsletter. Our newsletter goes out every 4-6 weeks or so. We go with the flow and intuition.
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If you are intrigued by our film and mission, feel free to invite your friends. The more people spread this heart revolution, the more people can realize the 'new' paths to personal and global flourishing we explore in our film!
Here are some snippets and teasers to give you an impression of our film. You can find more details at The Heart Revolution.
Some of the questions our film explores are:
Is the idea that our heart acts as a pump the best description of its workings?
What does the heart do?
Is there a measurable heart-to-heart connection between people? And if so, how does it influence our daily lives?
Is there a connection between this beautiful planet that we call Earth and our hearts?
The key to a flourishing life begins long before birth, close to the mother's heart, embedded and guided by Earth's heartbeat ...
There are many more questions we explore and wonderful, inspiring people and stories in our film ...
We'll post new snippets, teasers and trailers on this page soon.
Let's make this heart revolution the dawn of the Age of Enheartenment 😄