Emotions can get stuck in the physical body and cause pain and movement disabilities. In the interview, Benedikt Just and Dr. Gabriele Sigg asked the chiropractor Dr. Bradley Nelson how to release trapped emotions. Watch the full video-interview on our ongoing Online-Summit. Register for free: www.theheartrevolution.org/online-event.

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Benedikt Just (Director The Heart Revolution): I had the great pleasure interviewing and speaking with Dr. Bradley Nelson about emotions, and I think it is a very, very important topic, especially for people who are interested in emotional healing. I’ve done more than ten years of emotional healing, but Dr. Nelson discovered something about emotions and the body and how emotions can be trapped in the body. I think honestly that should be taught in highschools all around the world.
With me is my co-host Dr. Gabriele Sigg, the Director of Philosophy at The Heart Revolution, and yes, let’s jump right in. Dr. Nelson, you started out as a chiropractor and had a practice and worked as a chiropractor for twenty years. How did you become so interested in emotions?

Dr. Bradley Nelson: Well, I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my patients, and I had great success just by realigning people’s spines and realigning other bones in the body. But as time went on, and the level of difficulties increased, in other words, patients presented to me more complex problems, and simple adjustments often weren’t enough. Sometimes I would make an adjustment, and then it wouldn’t stay aligned. So as time went on, I was really obsessed with getting to the root causes of what was wrong with my patients, and I also had a habit.
One day I was going into practice. For me, it was literally an answer to prayer, and I had a couple of very powerful healing experiences myself when I was younger. I learned that there is a higher power and we can draw upon that higher power. Or whatever you might call it or whatever you might believe is that higher power. There is definitely something greater than us, and if we ask for help, then it opens that conduit so that we can receive help. What became apparent to me after a while was that all of my patients, no matter how young or old they were, no matter what they were suffering from, whether it was something physical or mental or emotional, they all had something in common.

colorful flowers
Vintage geometric floral motifs, variations 8 from our own Variations Quatre-Vingt-Six Motifs Décoratifs En Vingt Planches (1928) by Édouard Bénédictus. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

Emotional Baggage

What they had in common I came to call “emotional baggage” or “trapped emotions”, and trapped emotions are the energy of those emotional experiences that you’ve been through that get stuck in the body. Those emotions become trapped in the body, and so how to understand this first of all, it is very different from the norm from Western medicine.
If you think about the body itself, I mean, if you look at your hand, your hand looks pretty solid, and if you slap it down on the desk, now makes a nice thunk sound, but the reality of it is that hand of yours is really made of nothing but pure energy. So if you were to take a big enough microscope, and if you were to start zooming in on that hand of yours past the level of the cells, and past the organelles that make up the cells to the level of the molecule, and paste that to the level of the atom and the level of the subatomic particles in the body, you’d see that everything is made out of energy.

The body is just made out of energy. There’s nothing really inside of an atom. There is no matter as such. According to Albert Einstein, the matter is energy that has been slowed down enough, so we can actually touch and feel it. Our bodies are made out of energy. Thoughts are energy and emotions are energy as well. So when you are feeling a certain emotion, you are feeling a vibration of energy. In other words, do let’s say you’re feeling an emotion of anger, that’s a specific frequency and a specific vibration, and that’s different from frustration, and that is different from sadness, and that is different from shame. There are all different kind and vibrations of emotions.

colorful flowers
Vintage floral motifs, variations 15 from our own Variations Quatre-Vingt-Six Motifs Décoratifs En Vingt Planches (1928) by Édouard Bénédictus. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.

The Emotional Loop

Sometimes that energy is powerful enough to become trapped in the body. How to understand this? If you think about an emotional experience that you have had maybe today or yesterday. So let’s say something happened to you and you start to feel some kind of emotion about it. Maybe something happened and you’re feeling an emotion of resentment or frustration or anger, and what happens is when that emotional vibration starts to occur. That is a message from the deep subconscious mind and it has to do partly with what you’ve experienced in your life, but also partly with the emotional energies that are already trapped in your body.

Basically, when you start to experience that emotion, you’re jumping into this little loop and you start to feel the feelings that go along with that emotion. You begin to feel maybe the physical sensations that go along with that, and typically as that loop is occurring you are feeling that emotion and thinking about it. Most of the time, the vast majority of the time, you acknowledge that emotion, and then that emotional loop closes, and that little emotional experience is completed. But sometimes, we feel a particular emotion and sometimes unconsciously decide to become really involved with it. For example, say the emotion is resentment, because someone has done you wrong. You choose to enhance that because you think you really should feel resentful about this, and so when you do that, that emotional loop becomes broken and stuck in a kind of an open state, so that emotion, then, rather than allowing it to be processed and move on, that emotional experience is kind of stuck. And that is the energy that becomes trapped in the body.

Another circumstance where we do develop trapped emotions is, let’s say, that as a child, your father was an Alcoholic, and always when he got drunk, he got at rage and got very angry. Maybe you decided at a very young age that anger was a bad emotion and that you didn’t ever want to go there and be angry. You never wanted to allow yourself to feel that. Now. Let’s say you’re an adult and something happens to someone. Someone does you wrong and that emotion of anger starts to come up for you, but you decide, “No, I’m not going there”, and so you stuff that emotion. You don’t allow that loop to complete and get released. So now it get stuck in your body.

Online-Summit The Heart Revolution

This is a short part of the full interview, which you can watch on our ongoing Online-Summit. Join for free: www.theheartrevolution.org/online-event

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