The experiments that we’re doing now, well, there are two levels. This is where one of the surprises has come in. None of this is easy, but what’s the relatively easier part is to study how changes in the environmental field, the Earth’s magnetic field, and solar fields, and so on, affect us.
We’ve been doing a number of studies where people wear these recorders that record the heart rate variability for a long time period. They’re little lightweight devices that we have now. It’s much easier than what it used to be, when we used to have halter records, big, clunky things.
These studies are recording, 24/7, the heart rate variability of groups of people over long time periods. The longest study was five months of people wearing these recorders. The story is where the surprise came from, a 30-day study where a small group of people wearing these recorders. 10 people, for 30 days. 24/7, for 30 days. This particular study had people located throughout the state of California, so we have some participants down south, some here in central California, some up north, and so these are people that are going about their normal lives.
They’re not sitting around in a room together, holding hands, in meditation, or something, right? People always ask that. The original question was, ‘Do the changes in the geomagnetic, these rhythms, affect nervous system activity?’ Which is what HRV reflects. Yes, it does. That’s a whole other story.
The surprise came when we time synchronized the data from these 10 people. I don’t even know why we did it, because what you would expect if we were looking at beat-to-beat changes in my heart rate, and yours, and a few other people going about your lives, that it would just all average out to nothing. Just be kind of a noisy, zero flat line. That’s not what we found.

What are you feeding the ‘global information field?’
To our surprise, and it really was a surprise, the group was synchronized. Their heart rhythms were in sync, a slow wave synchronization, and just like a beautiful sine wave, We were like, “What? How can this be?” and showed this to a few of our colleagues. It was jaw-dropping because nobody had ever thought to look at this before. It shouldn’t happen, right?
What we finally realized, it should’ve been obvious immediately, was that the only thing that could explain this was that they were all synchronizing to something external that was everywhere in California. Some environmental signal. It turned out to be the time-varying magnetic field. Exactly the power of the rhythms that I was talking about earlier that overlap our hearts and brains.
People are in sync with each other because they’re in sync with the Earth. These 10 people, it couldn’t get too crazy-making claims. I am going to publish that paper, we were able to take that and get some funding to do a much larger study. This was called the international HRV synchronization study. We got groups of 20 people in five countries. We had groups in Saudi Arabia, Lithuania, here in California, England, and New Zealand, all wearing recorders at the same time. Because the question was, ‘Is this happening globally?’
And by the way, we take all the circadian rhythms out, because that would be an obvious thing to synchronize people, so that’s all removed. We have the first level, the analysis of that data, now done, and I can say with confidence that, yes, this is happening globally. You can be in radically different timezones, 10-hour difference in timezone, and still be synchronizing.
There are over 100 people in this larger study. So another thing that has emerged now that we’re seeing, is that you’ve got a group that’s synchronized together, and positively correlated with the resonant frequencies of the magnetic field, and another group that is synchronized together as a group but is inversely correlated to the same signal, and then a third group that isn’t synchronized to anything, each other or the Earth, and I would suggest that that third group is not the one you want to be in.
A number of lines of evidence are really pointing to, well, first of all, that the magnetic fields are a source of energy. That we don’t just get our nutrition and our food just from the food we eat, that there’s literally an energetic level of energy that we can absorb and process.
Anyway, we’re finding that people really are synchronizing globally, which is amazing, because we like to talk about, “Well, on some level, we’re all connected.” I hear that all the time, so what these studies are showing is, yeah, we really are, and this is the level we’re connected at, and through these resonances there really is what you can think of, I’ll suggest here, as a global information field.
One of the things, when I do presentations about this, I always encourage my audience to think about and consider, is, ‘What are you feeding the field? How much did you feed the field today, was really being kind to your coworkers, and friends, and appreciation, and compassion?’ Versus, ‘What did you feed the field of anxiety, or overwhelm, or frustration, or impatience?’ Because I’m suggesting it all counts.

Three main types of coherence
The way I think of this, and our research is focused on three areas. Personal, social, and global. And we can use the word coherence at all three of those levels. The term coherence, if you look it up in the dictionary, the first definition, has to do with the quality of conversation. It was a coherent statement, so hopefully, I’m being coherent in my discussion today, whereas if I had had a few too many drinks, and I might’ve read nonsense, that’s called incoherent, right?
In physics, coherence always means connection and correlation. It implies that things are connected. When you have coherent relationships between things, it always implies energy efficiency. We can use the word coherence, personally in terms of my own physiology, how coherent is it? How well are my heart and brain, are they coherently communicating the activity to my nervous system? And so on.
Or we can look at coherency in our social relations, right? Are we arm’s length separation, or are we really connected in the heart and working things out? At the personal level, stress is probably the biggest issue right now. Technology is certainly an impact there, but I think the media is probably an even bigger impact. If something’s not broken and terrible going on today, you show a video of something that happened five years ago, something terrible, to keep the stress and anxiety pumped. And that’s all feeding the bigger, global field.
Impact on the collective
And what I’m suggesting here is that, when something happens, for example, that triggers a mass, negative emotional outpouring, fear, anxiety, that we all feel that. You can be in a cave, you still feel it, because we’re all part of that global field environment, and if you think about it, you can probably relate to that yourself. Sometimes you wake up in the morning, you don’t know why, but you just feel a heaviness or anxiety. But it wasn’t because of anything that happened that triggered that in your own life. More times than not, you go to the news and find out what had happened that kind of created that global field, so at the personal level the biggest issue from my perspective is the failure of self-regulation.

Power of self-regulation
People really, in fact, I think we can trace most of the problems in people’s personal health, but certainly in our society, to failures of self-regulation. The ability to really maintain our composure and be aligned with our deeper, core values. A very important, I think, hidden and unrecognized source of stress for most people, at the individual, personal level, is a lack of alignment between their hearts and their brains, or between the mind and emotions.
Maybe to help you relate to that if you’ve ever had the experience where your ambitions were telling you one thing, or something you were supposed to do at work, but you had a deeper sense that wasn’t aligned with that. Just didn’t feel right. That goes on more than people realize, sometimes subconsciously, but that’s a huge source of stress for people, and as we learned to align more with the heart, getting coherent is a great way to do that, and the voice of intuition.
Because I’m really suggesting that intuition really is the flow of information from our larger self down into our mind-brain system, and as we align with that, that is how we unfold who we really are at that deeper level. That automatically brings in more kindness and cooperation, and collaboration at the social level, so we create more heart connections at the social level.
Now we’re feeding the global field more of what you were asking about. Love, and kindness, and compassion, and so on. But it really all has to trace back to us taking our own self-responsibility for us, and our emotions, and learning to regulate those and self-manage, but from that deeper, core place within ourselves, that natural intelligence we have.
Well, exactly, it all counts. Because what we’re feeding the field really has to do with the quality and power of our emotions. It has nothing to do with your stations in life, or how much money you make, or all that. We all feed the field. With that said, one of my things I like to say is that coherence organizes noise. So, as we take more self-responsibility for our coherence and our emotional state, and people have a lot more power to self-regulate their emotions, and their emotional diet, if you will than most people realize. They just haven’t been taught how, which gets the heart and brain aligned—but coherence, especially if we work together in groups, whether that’s families, or work teams, or communities, the evidence is accumulating for this that there’s an amplification effect.
Chaos precedes coherence
If we, in other words, do synchronized events where we get coherent together and radiate more positive energy into the global field environment, that creates a stronger amplified signal than if we just do it ourselves. But at the same time, I need to say, we’re always feeding the field, so what really matters is the day-to-day, moment-to-moment, what am I feeding the field questions? Because it all does, it’s great to come together once a week or once a month and do our meditations, or heart lock-ins, as we do here, to the global field environment, and that does amplify it. That’s great. But the other 29 days of the month are also important. The shift that people talk about, I believe, is very real, and we can see it in many ways, and it has been happening for quite a few years now.
Some structures have got to kind of crack and get stressed enough that we can make some changes. So a lot of the increased stress that we’re seeing on the planet is really a sign of the shift. I know it is stressful, and I have a lot of compassion for myself and everybody going through this, but it really is a necessary and critical part of the shift. At the same time, and I probably see more of this than a lot would, there are more groups coming together than ever to do things like care for the planet, meditations, or synchronized events.
Like every week, it’s some new group is forming, and one of the hallmarks of the shift, and actually of that deeper intuition that I’m talking about, is inclusiveness. Collaboration, cooperation. These are hallmarks of the shift, from my way of thinking, so I see more and more of that all the time, and hopefully, the fact that there are some organizations that are even starting to form now about reporting positive news, as kind of an alternative. Because there are a lot of great things happening in the midst of the stress and the chaos, which is the shift going on.
We’re in the midst of that shift in consciousness now, which I would suggest the shift is a shift where the mind-based consciousness is now integrated with more of our larger self through the heart, heart, and brain becoming more cooperative, and collaborative in that regard, within each individual. I’ve had more than one person tell me, “Thank you for this research because I felt powerless. Now I understand that I do count.” And it’s really a motivation for some people to become more self-responsible, for what they feed in the field, and motivating.
Talking to a colleague just the other day, they said, “The research that you’re doing is making the deniable undeniable.” And then the other thing I hear a lot is, “Well, thank you because your work is confirming what I already intuitively knew to be true.” Some days you can wake up that way. It can be because of some global event that triggered mass emotions or a lot of strong emotions, but it can also be because of a solar flare that hits the Earth’s field and creates magnetic field disturbance.
We all live in that field environment, so when it’s disturbed, that has very clear and measurable effects on us as well, so it could be either of those situations. HeartMath is a whole system of tools, techniques, technologies, to help people learn how to shift into a more coherent state and be more self-regulated, emotionally managed, right at the moment. There are lots of books. In fact, we have certification programs as well, for health professionals that want to work with their patients.
Many thousands of doctors teach HeartMath to their patients. We have certifications for organizations or people that want to be trainers in organizations, and also a program that’s for coaches, or mentors, or really anybody that wants to share this with others one on one or small groups.
Our latest book, called _Heart Intelligence, i_t’s a brand new book, would be a good, low-cost way to get started. If you’re interested in more of the scientific findings, I just published a book early this year called _Science of The Heart Volume Two_. It’s an e-book. It’s a great way to learn a little about some of the science that’s summarized, as well.
There’s also technology that measures your heart rhythms in real-time and helps you learn how to shift into that coherent state. It gives you feedback. “Am I there or not?”
There are a lot of correlations to the rhythms of the Earth, and the status of the Earth’s fields, and inception, and different things. I can’t say, ‘Yes, we’ve proven that Earth is a living system.’ I’m learning to more and more—a lot of our experiments—I’ve learned now to try and overly predict them because if I could wave my magic wand and said, ‘We’ll find this,’ as our outcome, I would’ve really limited it. If you’re more neutral, the stuff you find is way past what you could’ve potentially imagined, or if you would’ve designed it, you know? So who knows?