Color is energy that we can see and it is in the visible spectrum of light. However, each color vibrates at a different speed. Simply put, color is vibrational energy.

The chakras are energy portals in our aura. It is easy to see why the chakra system is associated with these different colors.

Traditional interpretations of chakras originated in early spiritual texts, with the earliest mention of chakras by the Upanishads around 700 BCE. At this time, chakras were not linked with colors.

Drawing on the ideas of Theosophical texts and the views of C. W. Leadbeater, the historical view of chakras changed the West. 

The correlation of chakras with colors was made in 1977 in a publication by Christopher Hill’s The Nuclear Evolution which connected the chakras with psychological states alongside colors of the rainbow.

This idea of the rainbow body caught the imagination of the West. Although it is a modern association, it can be very helpful when working with our energetic body and various healing modalities.

We may not be consciously aware, but our bodies interact with color on a subconscious level and affect our thoughts and emotions.

What are the 7 main chakra colors?


Red is the color associated with the root chakra. The Muladhara chakra is the first chakra and is related to safety, security, and survival. Governed by the element of earth, it is our grounding chakra. It connects us to the Earth as well as our physical bodies.

Red is one of the chakra colors of opposing yet balancing properties. For example, it is associated with both anger and love. Although these initially feel like opposites, their energies are powerful and life-changing. Both passion and anger connect with the current moment. They drive us to initiate change and feel the power of our emotions.


Orange is the color we link with the sacral chakra. The Sanskrit name for the second chakra is Svadhishthana. Our orange chakra is associated with sensuality and sexuality. It is governed by the element of water. This is where we connect to our life passion and draw the strength to live our dreams.

The color orange is an energizing and courageous color full of energy, vitality, and youthful nature. This is the chakra of loving relationships and partnerships. It encourages us to go with the flow of life, its movement, and change. Orange is one of the chakra colors that encourages the expression of our emotions and creativity.


Yellow is associated with the third chakra, or Manipura in Sanskrit. The solar plexus chakra is the center of our power and control in the world. Traditionally, yellow has been synonymous with cowardice. This is a low vibration of yellow when we are not using our power.

The Manipura chakra is governed by the element of fire. Therefore, when we are connected and acting from the fire in our belly, we express the higher vibration of yellow; confidence rather than cowardice.

Yellow is also one of the chakra colors associated with the intellect. When we use our intelligence, we can assert our transformative power and achieve our goals.


Green is the color related to the heart chakra. Many people might imagine the heart chakra is pink. Interestingly, pink is also associated with this chakra. The fourth chakra in Sanskrit is Anahata and is governed by the element of air. The air element is linked with communication and connection.

The heart chakra is our focus on love and compassion. The color green is reminiscent of nature, new growth, and balance. It is a very soothing color that can bring deep relaxation. Imagine the peace felt while walking through a verdant green woodland. This color connects us to nature and the recognition that we are all one.


Blue is the color of the throat chakra. Known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, the fifth chakra is the seat of truth and communication. Governed by the element of ether, or space, this is expansive and far-reaching.

The color blue is the color of peace, calm, and devotion. It encourages us to take a deeper look inside ourselves and connect with our inner truth. We can then express this truth with authenticity. 

When we are unable to express our truth, we may appear cold and unapproachable. Attuning to the higher vibrations of blue enables us to fulfill our role in the world with clarity and openness.


Indigo is associated with the third eye chakra. The sixth chakra is known as Ajna chakra in Sanskrit. It is governed by the element of light. The light spectrum contains all colors. In this way, the third eye chakra is connected to all colors and the gift of intuitive sight.

The color indigo is reminiscent of the darkness and mystery of the night sky. It is a color of deep insight and meditation. It encourages us to seek our place in the universe and look beyond physical reality. Indigo and purple are associated with meditation and visualization. They connect us to our deeper self, our connection to the universe and beyond.


Violet and white are the chakra colors linked to the seventh chakra. The crown chakra is called Sahasrara in Sanskrit. It is the point of spiritual connection at the top of our heads. Violet itself is a mixture of red and blue. It combines the physical, earthy properties of red with the highest qualities of blue.

This visionary chakra is governed by the element of thought, an ethereal connection to our spiritual nature. It can be likened to a spiritual well from which we can draw intuitive knowing. For example, violet is a luxurious color, bringing feelings of bliss. Similarly, white is the color of purity and innocence. It brings an awareness of our soul infinity and the abundant wealth of our spiritual nature.

How can you work with different chakra colors for healing?

When using chakra colors in your life, the most important thing is to be creative. 

It doesn’t have to be a difficult process. In fact, connecting with colors and absorbing their energies can bring healing benefits.

Understanding the color psychology linked to the chakras is helpful for various chakra healing modalities. Below are some suggested ways we can incorporate the chakra colors into our lives and spiritual practices.

Chakra Meditation

While in meditation, place your attention on the chakras. Focus your mind on the individual chakra you want to work on. Breathe into this chakra and get a sense of how it feels. An image, shape, or feeling may spring to mind.

Once connected to your chakra, you may simply want to observe. Issues held within your chakras may rise to the surface. Simply acknowledge these and allow them to pass. Alternatively, you may want to send healing to your chakra or expand it. Imagine how you want your chakra to respond and accept whatever arises.


Contemplation with a candle has a myriad of benefits. When you need to energize or connect to a particular chakra:

  1. Burn a candle of the associated color.
  2. Before lighting the candle, take a moment to set your intention.
  3. Once you have clarified your intention, light the candle and focus on the positive outcome of your goal.


Color visualization is accessible just about anywhere. Imagine your body as an empty vessel. Beginning with the first chakra color, fill your body with red from the top of your head to your feet. Then imagine each chakra color, in turn, filling your body until all colors have encapsulated your body. 

To conclude, visualize a clear, bright light shining down from your crown chakra to the base chakra and out into the earth.


Chakras respond energetically to crystals. These can be placed on a specific chakra or carried close to the body during the day. When selecting your healing crystals, don’t be surprised if you feel drawn to a different color that doesn’t correlate with the chakra. Instead, listen to your intuitive knowledge as your energetic body resonates with the crystal energies.


Since each color is vibrational energy, each chakra is also linked to a sound. There are various soundscapes available online. Listening to the specific chakra frequency or sound healing as part of your meditation will immerse you in the chakra’s energy.


When selecting clothes for the day, notice which colors draw you in. This will show you which chakra needs attention. You can also use colors to work for you. For example, you might have an important meeting where it is important you speak your truth. In this case, choose a blue outfit or accessorize with a blue scarf. This will attune you to the energies of your throat chakra and aid honest communication.


It is recommended to eat a rainbow of food each day. Paying focused attention to the colors you eat can benefit your body and, therefore, your health. This doesn’t have to be a complicated process. For example, pay attention when walking around a grocery store. Notice which colors you call to you. Follow the intuitive wisdom of your body.


There are various options to bring chakra colors into your creative practice. A favorite of mine is mandala drawing. I can use the chakra colors and meditate on my chakra at the same time. Other options include painting, drawing, and collages. These activities connect you to the creative part of yourself, allowing stuck emotions to flow that may be blocking your chakras.

Perhaps a combination of techniques would be beneficial. Consider how you can combine these ideas in a way that works for you. Listen to a guided chakra meditation while wrapped in a colored blanket, for example. Simple modalities like these will further enhance the healing properties of that specific color.

We are so used to looking to others to provide answers, little realizing they are inside us already. Sometimes, we just need a little guidance to draw them out. The ultimate authority is you.

Remember, the chakras are all connected. Their energies blend just as the colors would on a paint palette. So painting your life with this color spectrum will keep you balanced to achieve whatever future you picture.

External Resources

Solar Plexus Chakra Meaning: A Guide to the Third Chakra and Its Yellow Color Energy
The Meaning Of Sodalite: The Ultimate Guide
Chakra Colors: Ultimate Guide to 7 Chakras and Their Meanings